Spicy Salmon with Bok Choy
This is such a simple and easy baked salmon recipe. I love anything spicy, so it of course needed a spicy twist.
I used to avoid cooking fish because I thought it was too hard. BUT this recipe is SO easy and quicker than roasted chicken! Plus you get those amazing omega-3 fats without having to burp up a gross fish oil pill in the morning. Yuk.
Feel free to change up the spices depending on what vibe you’re feeling.
Spicy Salmon with Bok Choy
1 Wild Salmon filet (about 4 ounces) - I love Butcher Box because they use sustainable practices and have great quality fish
1 bunch of Bok choy or 2 bunches of Baby bok choy
1 Tbsp Coconut aminos
2 tsp Toasted sesame oil or Sesame oil spray
Spices of choice: Ginger, paprika, cayenne, salt/pepper, sesame seeds, red pepper flakes
What to do:
Preheat oven to 425F. Line a baking pan with a piece of parchment paper and spray with oil (*see notes)
Chop off the base of the bok choy bunch so that all the individual stalks become separated
Rinse off each stalk so that there isn't any dirt/soil left on them
Place salmon on pan, skin-side downLay out each stalk on the pan around the salmon (see picture)
Drizzle the pan with coconut aminos, toasted sesame oil and spices
Cook for about 10-12 minutes, depending on the thickness of your filet (thicker = about 12-15min; thinner = about 8-10min)
*Make sure to use a baking pan with a lip on the side, as opposed to a cookie sheet, so the sauces don't drip all over the oven. I also roll up the edges of the parchment paper so the sauces don't end up burning onto the pan - this makes cleanup MUCH easier.
Coconut aminos - You can use soy sauce here! Try for the low-sodium version if you can

Spicy Salmon with Bok Choy
What to do
- Preheat oven to 425F. Line a baking pan with a piece of parchment paper and spray with oil (*see notes)
- Chop off the base of the bok choy bunch so that all the individual stalks become separated
- Rinse off each stalk so that there isn't any dirt/soil left on them
- Place salmon on pan, skin-side down
- Lay out each stalk on the pan around the salmon (see picture)
- Drizzle the pan with coconut aminos, toasted sesame oil and spices
- Cook for about 10-12 minutes, depending on the thickness of your filet (thicker = about 12-15min; thinner = about 8-10min)
*Make sure to use a baking pan with a lip on the side, as opposed to a cookie sheet, so the sauces don't drip all over the oven. I also roll up the edges of the parchment paper so the sauces don't end up burning onto the pan - this makes cleanup MUCH easier.
Coconut aminos - You can use soy sauce here! Try for the low-sodium version if you can