Hey! I’m Nicki :)
I’m a Certified Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT) and currently getting my Masters in Nutrition & Dietetics at NYU to be a Registered Dietitian.
After working as a Cardiac Device Specialist for over 4 years with pacemaker & defibrillator patients, I started graduate school to follow my passion for nutrition and fitness. I knew that I could make an impact working as a dietitian and fitness professional focusing on health longevity and disease prevention.
I’ve practiced a lot of self-experimentation throughout the years to figure out how to fix my own personal health issues (SIBO, Hypothyroidism, Acne, Anxiety, Bulimia), and have had the most success when I worked with a team of practitioners who truly understood my conditions. At the same time, I’ve always had fitness goals that I did not want to sacrifice. After lots of trial and error, I was able to make tweaks to my diet and fitness routine to support my health progress rather than hinder it. It is a passion of mine to be that guidance for others as they learn to do the same!
Food and movement has a huge impact on our physical and mental health. My goal is to help you discover how simple and revitalizing healthy eating and exercise can be!